George Town, Great Exuma Cay, Exuma, Bahamas

KORKZcrew is the blue dot on the map.
Today we decided to investigate a "lazy river" in the George Town area that Ron had heard about. In Wilmington, we have a "lazy river" at Rich's Inlet at the north end of Figure Eight Island, where if you hit the tide just right, you can grab a flotation device of any description and "ride" from one end of the beach to the other. It's a blast, and is even more fun when you do it with a bunch of family members and friends and an ice cold beer. Here's a clip from two summers ago when we rode the lazy river over and over again with Ron's brother and his brother's family:
Ron and Steve did a quick "reconnaissance" dinghy trip to get an overall sense of where we might be heading before coming back to KORKZcrew to pick up Skeet and me.
Skeet was our navigator, using Google Maps to try and help us pinpoint our destination, and Steve served as the lookout. 😂 We had a "loose" idea of where this lazy river was located, and by loose, I mean we had no clue where it actually was, and rode south of George Town for what felt like forever. But who's complaining! The ride was beautiful, and it was nice to get out and about and check out our surroundings, even if those surroundings never included the elusive lazy river.

We literally never found it 😂🙄, but what we DID find was this STUNNINGLY beautiful inlet just south of Man O' War Cay.
The water was glassy enough that we were able to do a gigantic loop on our way back to KORKZcrew, going briefly out into the Atlantic Ocean to get around Man O' War, and then circling back into the harbour. Man O' War was so beautiful I'm hoping to get back there on KORKZcrew in the near future, maybe for the maiden voyage (gulp) of my Christmas drone 🙃. Might take me awhile to get my confidence back in that department, but I have to start somewhere I suppose!

Here was our dinghy route today. If my math is correct, I'm pretty sure we traveled around 8 nautical miles.

This is the inlet below Man O' War Cay, home to that spectacular water we rode through today. I've got it on my wishlist to return here for drone shots before we leave George Town if my frayed nerves can recover by then.

Night night, Steve. Night night, George Town.
