Hope Town, Elbow Cay, Abaco Islands, Bahamas

KORKZcrew is the blue dot on the map
More ick weather today to go along with my ick mood knowing that Greta flies home today. Ugh. The goodbyes are always the worst.
KORKZcrew had a bumpy ride to Marsh Harbour, which is a relatively short distance of around 7 nautical miles that took us a little over an hour to accomplish, complete with flapping kitchen utensils and coffee that was dispensing sideways. A bit of an exaggeration but still — pretty crazy to see it pour into your cup at an angle.
Ron had made arrangements for the same taxi driver who'd picked us up from the airport on the 18th to meet Greta and give her a ride there this morning. After long Greta hugs with Skeet and me and with Steve leading the way, the three of them made the short dinghy ride to the agreed upon meeting spot. Keep it together, mom. 😢

Now the 'crew is officially four, and we decided since Marsh Harbour has a sizable grocery store, we should go ahead and make a provisioning run. Ron already knew the location of this store that he touted as being a *mere* 5-minute walk from the dinghy dock. That became QUITE the debate as Skeet and I were convinced we'd been slogging along this industrial road for at LEAST 30 minutes, with no grocery store in sight. Ok 10 but still. Ron kept changing his story and saying the time didn't start until we were . . . 5 minutes from the grocery store. 😂
In the Bahamas, it's the "norm" to bring your own grocery bags, and I wish that was also the case at home. They've done this to reduce the use of plastic, especially since they are surrounded by water and it poses such a danger to their precious marine life. Ron has come to the conclusion after last spring's initial voyage that he prefers using one gigantic backpack vs schlepping a bunch of individual bags back to the dinghy dock, especially when it's not really a 5 minute walk to get back there. 😂

Actual footage of minute 9
Along this walk and at the dinghy dock, we could see remnants and reminders of Hurricane Dorian. The recovery is still very much in progress, but they've come remarkably far since 2019. Consider putting Elbow Cay on your travel itinerary. It's well worth the visit, and helps them in the process of rebuilding. Remember, it's Kackanomics at work! 😜

Back to KORKZcrew where we could hear a yelping dog, anxious to help us unpack all of our groceries. No, actually just anxious to see Ron and then promptly go back to sleep. 🤷🏻♀️
Made our way back to Hope Town, this time using a mooring buoy in that beautiful harbor. I hadn't seen a mooring ball like this before as it was set up for the use of catamarans and had two eyelets instead of one. Skeet and I snagged the first one using the boat hook and Ron helped us cheat to snag the second.
At the end of the day, while Ron and Steve were sitting on the back of the boat, a nice man and his cute little girl rode over on their dinghy because she wanted to meet Steve. How cute is that. They were extremely friendly — Hans and Matilda — and while Hans is originally from Sweden, they're based in the states but live full time on their aluminum-hull 48' sailboat with his wife and other daughter. Those girls must have the most amazing adventures!

Here's one final view of the Elbow Reef Lighthouse for the day. Can you tell I have a crush?

Night night, KORKZcrew.
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