Melbourne to Stuart, Fl

Woke up to fog so thick that we couldn't see the shore around us. And that was just the fog in my head! Ha! Just kidding, but thankfully, THAT fog was successfully cleared away with the help of Fonda and her F.I.T. exercise class (Fonda Interactive Training) at 7:00. Steve on the other hand was quite content to remain in a prolonged fog, completely without shame. Here's to being more like Steve in 2025. He's quite literally my spirit animal. ❤️ 🐾

Finally the visibility around the boat improved and we pulled up the anchor at 8:00. I am pleased to report that the round ball in the sky — I believe it's referred to as the SUN — actually made an appearance, and it was as if a switch had been flipped. We drove with the windows and doors open, and even slept with an open hatch over our bedroom last night. Unheard of only one day ago.
Ron looked up the sea temp in Wilmington today which was 52, and just to make you extra mad, it's 73 here in Florida. I know. We are the WORST.
It was such a low-key day that Skeet even drove while playing his guitar — multitasking at its finest!

The four of us were determined to watch the sun set today from the bow, just because we could — for the first time since we left Wilmington 2.5 weeks ago. And what a lovely sight it was — guitars optional.
Here's to a new year of hope and possibility.
Night night KORKZcrew!
9 hours underway; approx. 61 nautical miles traveled
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